We seek to be a generous church. Giving - either financially or through acts of service - is really important to us as part of our worship and commitment to God and His church here in Acomb. We have several mission partners in deprived areas of the north and abroad who we financially support through our giving. We also have a fund to support youth work in the Acomb area. You can financially give to the mission and ministry of St Stephen’s directly through the banking system.
You can donate via the Parish Giving Scheme, or using the account details below:
You can donate via the Parish Giving Scheme, or using the account details below:
Our bank details are:
Acomb Parochial Church Council.
Sort Code: 40-47-45.
Account Number: 01058258.
Acomb Parochial Church Council.
Sort Code: 40-47-45.
Account Number: 01058258.
You can also make a donation to St Stephen’s through a legacy in your will. Please ask your solicitor when you make or change your will. At our services you can put cash, charity vouchers or a cheque (payable to 'Acomb PCC') into the offering bag or use the card machine in the church building. For more information about giving contact our treasurer Nigel at [email protected]